How to Add Meta Tags For Each Blogger Posts
Meta tags or keywords are very significant SEO terms. To find your site’s rank better in search engine, you have to add meta tags or keywords in every page of the website. But when you want to put keywords in every blogger posts, you can’t because there is only meta description place in blogger. There you cannot find keywords adding space. So if you want to add meta tags or keywords also, you have to add some codes on your template. Meta tags are also as important as meta description. Meta tags help you to increase healthy and better traffic.
Step 1: Log in into your blogger.
Step 2: Then Now click Theme option in dashboard.
Step 3: Then Click Edit Html.
Step 4: Html Page Opens There search for <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
Step 5: Then paste the below codes below the above code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "PAGE-URL"'>
<meta content='PAGE-DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='PAGE-KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
Step 6: Now paste the Url of the Post in PAGE-URL
Step 7: Now paste the description of the Post in PAGE-DESCRIPTION
Step 8: Now paste the keyword of the Post in PAGE-KEYWORD
Step 9: Now Save the Template..
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Such a brilliant post it was. I truly had a nice time reading through these details and would implement all this to my new blog. Well, I also would be starting with PPC Advertising because the amount of traffic is really low or I can say there is no traffic at all. Have heard a lot about the PPC marketing tips. Can you share any tips and suggestions for that?