8 Most Brilliant Tech Hacks You Need To Know Right Now - Techs And Geeks | Tech Hacks | Tech News


8 Most Brilliant Tech Hacks You Need To Know Right Now

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Think you’ve seen every possible tech hack out there? Think again for this ultimate list of no common sense tech hacks that makes your life easier.

#1 At website login pages, you can view masked passwords by changing the password input type as text.

#2 Test battery easily by dropping it few inches from the ground. A fully charged battery bounces very little, whereas a dead battery bounces around.

#3  In Windows, create a new folder and name it “Control Panel Shortcuts.{ed7ba470-8e54-465e-825c-99712043e01c}”. Access any control settings in the folder.

#4  Google “[food] vs [food]” to compare nutritional values.

#5  On calculator, the C (clear) button is to clear all entry, whereas the CE (clear entry) button is to clear the most recent entry only.

ALSO READ: How Domain Name System (DNS) Works ?

#6  Project Naptha is a browser extension that allows you to select, copy, modify, erase, and translate text in images.

#7  Not sure whether your remote control is working? Use any camera to check whether it emits light when you press a button.

#8 Your laptop is overheating? Place 2 forks underneath.

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